Monday, December 12, 2011

Quiet inside my mind

The feeling of accomplishment. The feeling of seeing 10/10 on a screen. I read online the other day that saying going to school online is actually just as challenging as being in class if not more challenging. The fact people say it is "easier" is a myth. I have to self discipline myself to do my assignments and teach them to myself. I would love to have a professor just lecture to me again because I am a highly auditory learner. If you think the tests are easier--wrong--you don't have time to flip through your notes as people think. You have to know it. Random tid-bit, but the thing on yahoo homepage made me want to share. Gosh I hate the commercial of the girl singing, "Get connected for free at ed-u-cation connect-ion". I think it makes going to school online look so juvenile. I did take a test in my pj's earlier though?? LOL Maybe I should get up on that commercial and sing.

I am loving Christmas Unit at work! Our room is quite festive. I bought some more stickers and Christmas cards for the kids to write in tonight. I love my students--all of them--past and present. I love this time of the year, they are attached to us and predictable. We are attached to them too. I can tell you exactly what they will ask, and I know that my beautiful blonde haired "real cheerleader" and sweet Curstan will be following me around helping me prepare art in the morning. I know that Riley J. and Connor will be building the tallest building ever with cardboard blocks, and we'll have to stop sweet Koltin from doing a dive into them to be the "bulldozer". I have learned the twins voices apart and I have learned that Peyton is our ladies man. I can keep going, I love them all. I think I should make a journal just of my children after I graduate, so I can truly remember them 40 years from now.

I went to my first Tech shin dig tonight to be inducted to Golden Key Honour Society. I am pretty excited about it, a lot of opportunities to serve the community and get scholarships. I really liked how the lead speaker put it, we should feel honored not that we got in, but in the work we've put into our academics. He said, "I know to be top 15% of your class means a lot of sacrifices at a young age. Today it pays off and it will pay off in your future if you always are a seeker of knowledge. Learning never stops." I felt like he was speaking to me. I know my sacrifices of fun get togethers, sleep, and even time away from those I love the most. I know it helps build me stronger and will make me a good teacher, wife, and mother one day. I always want to be better for others. I want to unlock the potential others have inside of them. The way my family encouraged me to seek my potential.

On a side note: ULM=Camo TECH=Polo

On a side note note: Do not wear clubbing dresses to prestigious events, use the brains you used to get into the society to dress appropriately. Respect yourselves and your body.

Travis and I will be heading to Dallas Friday night, looking forward to the mini road trip. We'll be meeting up with his parents and staying with his brother and Sam to watch Quinton graduate. I am so proud of him, I know the work that goes into it.

I love John Mayer's "Quiet".... love it.

Anyways, I need to head to sleep. I think tomorrow we may make snow globes!!! I'm pretty pumped no joke.

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