Thursday, August 10, 2017

Love you two so

John: You're wiggling in my belly. I'm listening to "Oh My Soul" by Casting Crowns. You bring me so much joy. It's hard to describe how much sadness I can feel and how much happiness I can feel all at once. I wish your sister could be here with us. I selfishly wish I could tuck our boy and girl in. I wish I could see y'all play together. But I know our family will be whole one day. I know it. Heaven is so real. I feel Ryleigh close to my heart often. I feel God close to me. I see the evidence of a loving God when I feel you move in me. I love you more than you can ever imagine and you'll likely never understand just how much I've prayed for you. I can't even imagine what it'll be like to bring a baby home from the hospital. I know it is a special moment for all parents. But it will be one of those moments that are huge for me. I will never be able to describe the pain I felt when I was wheeled out of the hospital last July when the lady pushing me asked where my baby was. I had never felt more empty handed. So please know when I hold you as I am wheeled out I will cherish that moment and hold you like my treasure. I love you and sissy so much. -Mom

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