Friday, October 19, 2012

"Here Is My Catfish Shark"

Life lately... I am living my dream and for once I am happy and not pretending to be happy. I am exhausted daily, but that means I am doing my job and living my dream. My Friday night? A romantic Johnny's pizza dinner date before Travis went to work (graveyard shift). What an appropriate word for this festive Halloweenish time of year. Speaking of school is so haunted. LOL I told this to Mrs. Rose and Mrs. Sheila (my wonderful co-workers/friends). I love the Holidays. Most refer to the holidays as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.. nope mine kicks off with spooky month of October and then goes into all the goodies. I am not a Pagan, I am an American that buys into commercial holidays. I do purchase the cheese ball mcgraw decor too. I am even more excited to dress up at work because we say "Boo to drugs". LOL I am also excited for a Halloween party a close friends momma is throwing. It's funny when we grow up our friends parents are our friends too. I guess they always were, but adult-hood makes you appreciate them so much more. Same goes about my parents. They are my best friends. Heck my whole family is. Oh I got off on a tangent... my Friday night: Now I am watching TLC Secret Princes. I actually really like it because I'm not much of a TLC network lover. I usually watch ghost adventures on Fridays that I've DVRed, but there was only one new episode that I flew through. It's funny how writing's pause in time is a space... but I just spilled a coke all over my floor. Stupid Johnny's cup. No casualties...just a sticky floor. Yet, it took me 10 minutes to get back to writing.... I like being myself. That is something new that came in August. I used to worry about what everyone would think of me, but now not so much. I think getting a big girl job built some confidence in me. Don't get me wrong I am still open minded and kind to people, but I learned there is a difference in being kind and being walked on. I have a paper to write tomorrow. UGH. I think I will try to do it shortly after waking so I have some what of a weekend, but I doubt I do because I know me. I want to do it on ADHD because I feel some children get overlooked while some get un-necessarily medicated. That is not a reference to anyone, just something that interests me. I guess I am a teacher when I actually yearn to know more knowledge to help my students/future students. Back to the prince show.. I'd punch these England meanies. The wedding is coming up so closely. I hope it all comes together. I have the pre-wedding jitters about the venue set up and food more than anything. 27 days now. I am so excited. I'll be CMR (my friend jamie says comehere). Monday I get visited by state the first time, please pray for my children to really show this lady how brilliant I know they are. They are smart and that makes me happy. My kids make me happy period. This afternoon at recess they caught fish (imaginary fish) and the pond was a shadow cast from the building. They continued to carry me their "fish" aka leaves and would say, "Here is my gar!!" "Here is my catfish" (My fave--"Here is my catfish shark!) Let me say I never heard or saw a gar until I was in college so these little country souls are smart! I felt so proud because one of my little girls said, "I caught a small, medium, and large fish!" I loved hearing they used that vocabulary word. Thank you Jesus, even if they do not come out little brainiacs they will come out prepared and with knowledge to build on. I push them to learn, but unlike so many who seem to have an opinion on it, I like letting them have fun. They are still young children and anyone who is education knows how important Vygotsky believed play was to children. It develops character and teaches them vital social skills. So am I the teacher that will leave them on the rug for one hour and say, "It is my duty?" Nope. I will teach them though and I vow to have them ready without making them little soldier zombies. Judge me. I don't care. Again. I have to start being me because I so easily say what I think will keep peace among others, but I have decided tonight to start being more real with both myself and others. Otherwise, I am having battles in my head of what I should have said because it's how I really feel. <3 --Christina not for so much longer Gordon (but always will proudly have it as my maiden name.. me with a maiden name.. sounds so adultish)

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