It's midnight thirty in my world and I have slow acoustic music in the background...and silence.. pure silence...and I am completely at peace. I feel like im a sixteen year old little girl in my bedroom again. I am loving the summer off. I've discovered I stay busy with family and friends though. I guess I'm not good at just sitting around anymore like I did as a hermit crab teenager. I am enjoying this "me" time right now though. It's good for my soul.
I'm getting excited. We're slowly but surely working on fixing up my parents guest house into an apartment for me. It'll be a slow process due to money--little at a time--but in the end I'll save so much money. Big move wont be til next spring though. I am excited..because I'll have independence, yet still kinda be at home. Seems sensible...I would like to save money for my future, and in this apartment that's just not possible. I also know that my car is getting rather old (yet i am appreciative dont get me wrong)...but the move would help me finance something newer. The best part is I get to design it..because the inside is not finished yet. The concrete is laid and the building is up, but the frame needs insulation and walls...and floors..and everything. I want to do wooden floors--and have a loft. I also want it to be a very open space because of limited space. 18x20...(we may build on a little) I have so many nifty ideas in my head for designs. I get to pick out everythinng..doors..stove..tile.. etc. It's like desinging a mini house. I'm chipping in all of it (obviously since my parents are letting me stay rent free). But to them they don't see it as money. (and little do they know it I will be giving them money for them allowing me to do this even if my mom fights and says no) They see it as their little girl being closer... haha even if I'm a "backyardigan". This next year should be wonderful. I will be wrapping up college...getting extra $...maybe a newer car... but until then I am happy. I just like setting dreams for myself.
I am not a biggg paramore fan, but I love their new song, "The Only Exception". It's really pretty. Relaxes me. "Darling you are the only exception"... sorry found myself lost in a song. . . . I kinda miss my work friends. I love all the time with my other friends...but I really got used to hanging out with my group at work. Is that crazy? I think I'm supposed to be like woo hoo it's summer and not think of work..but I do. I wonder how my coworkers are doing and how their summers are...and I miss hearing about their lives everyday. I really do feel like I have a family at work. I'd never choose any other school or job to be honest..because it doesn't feel like a job. It feels like a friendship and a job with purpose. I am allowed every year to be apart of so many children's lives... I get to be the reason a child smiles. That's special..and I am glad God lead me to Claiborne Christian.
The Beach is like 11 days away. The spill is 40 miles west of the beach we're going to. It's pretty much going to be closed im sure by the time we get there :(. *Prayers that it isn't*. I really want a good family vaca. It's not often that us Griswald's all have vacations at the same time--and I want us to be able to go and have fun. But even if I can't get in the water--the time spent together will be nice..and I have some old beach friends that I'll be meeting up with.
Anwyays I'll leave you some pics of what my summer has been like thus far.

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