If you took our personalities (especially back in the day) we were nothing alike. If I was day, she was night. If I was night, she'd be day. She hates country, while I am a rooting tooting boot skootin boogy country loving turn the Jason Aldean song up girl. And she's the let's jam to 91.1 dares to be different and try new styles whether it be hair color, new makeup, clothes. And as much as I give her a "hard time" about our differences over the years I'd never change her. Because she's the reason I like a variety of music, and when I do anything daring (like cutting my plain jane hair a new way) she's the encouraging spirit behind me.

Megan used to be viewed as the enemy.. hahaha because she had a friendship page dedicated to her on Amanda Buchart's tripod website. (I had one too but her page was before mine! haha so I was threatend that she was "cooler" than me) and I found problems with this as a jr. high tot. But then on the most of unusual circumstances I met her. My 16 year old "LOVE of my life" was cheating on me in the movie theater.. and Amanda and Megan sawwww them. So I got the phone call to come investiage the situation (ohh how being young was interesting). Sooo Megan, who was all up in the koolaid drama, decided to buy a movie ticket to help me 007 the ole cheater. Soo We busted up in American Pie and BOOM he was there kissing some girl. (In her defense he told her she was single, but at the time we didn't know this). So I run out crying, and Megan and I "staked out" the hallway. His "date" for the evening came running out talking trash... and Megan being my friend of uhh say 5 minutes says something about the girls "homemade shorts" (pahahaha good one Meg way to be creative!!) Then they left. haha My heart was broken, but I had made a new friend.

We kinda lost touch for a while. Randomly "aiming" each other chit chatting about how we'd grow up to drive a voltswagon bug (neither of us got that btw). But yeahh..
Until one day she came up to me in the hallwayh complimenting my Sharron Osborne wig (for Halloween at School WHAT WAS I THINKING????) haha she had the matching one one. Thennn she asked me if I'd go on a blind date with her brother. I told her I didn't do blind dates. Nooo Way!! Then she showed me a picture of Jon Eric in dress blues. He was so Handsome!! So I didn't hesitate to tell her to have him call me!! So we began talking to each other nightly.

We got to the airport to pick up Jon Eric. Every guy who walked by Megan would say "That's my brother!!!" Until I saw him walk up. And I will say I had so many butterflies in my stomach. I was so happy to get my first big hug and I think we held hands going out of the airport. I wish I could remember. But I remember the drive home Megan and I yapped. He even told me on the phone that night that I talked to Meg more than him. LOL It was this point that I knew Megan and I would be close friends. I was just happy she didn't bust her brother kissing me goodnight at the door. Wait no that's right, she did. She was all hiding behind walls trying to snap pictures!! pahaha I called her paparatzi:

Jon Eric was very charming and I am thankful to God that I got to be apart of his life. He was a lot of fun and I was on top of the world dating him. But I was a senior and he was living in South Carolina preparing for war. In the end, we wound up being friends, and he went on to marry his high school sweet heart. But we remained friends...even getting pineapple pizza as a group when he'd be in town. And I was happy that he was happy.
Megan though--she remained close. And we grew up together in a sense. There are so many emotional rollercoasters in high school, and she was always there for every heart break, every big moment, every small nitty detail of the day. We practically lived together on the weekends (as we still do most of the time today lol). She was there to talk to me after I lost my Grandma and kept me company with silence when I needed it. She was there in college when I had hard days, and she was there to meet all the new guys with! (haha). She decorated my room with my sister when I moved out the first time. And She made up the goofball dances with me. She was apart of all major milestones- And I was there at 2 a.m. the day she got the visit...the news that Jon Eric lost his life at war.
I cry now thinking of the moment. I can tell you exactly where I was sitting in my house, studying notecards for psychology. I drove over quickly.... I was so hurt and sad because Jon Eric was a big part of my life, but i remember hurting the most when I saw my best friend break down. It hurt me to watch her suffer and for once there was no inside joke to make us laugh. That's the day we grew up--friendship wasn't just the fun times...we took our frienship to a whole new level of being there through literatly thick and thin. That's when I knew for sure she was family. Because I hurt for her loss like a sister, and I mourned with her. And looking back, I realize now Jon Eric is such a Blessing to our lives. I will ALWAYS be thankful to him and I will always be happy we dated even for a short period. He is the reason I have my best friend Megan in my life. God used him as a tool to place an amazing person in my life.

I have the joy of saying how much I have watched Megan grow and mature over the years. We both had our little wild child moments, and thankfully found the road back to God's path and had plenty of meterior shower nights gazing at the sky talking about faith and life. Everyone needs a friend that they can openly discuss their faith with. A friendship founded with a belief in God is always a sound and solid one. My family loves her and she's just like one of us. She's always there when we need her, and she's a joy to be around. My niece even loves chasing her around the house yelling "MEEEG MEEEG". I can't begin to explain the memories we've made, but I can explain that she's had a positive impact in my life. People always wait to celebrate someone's life after death, but I am choosing to tell the people who are important in my life how important they are while I can. You're such a strong person, who is smart, and talented. I want the best things in the world for you buddy!

Thanks for the Memories!! (Pics are in no chronological order)
I hope you have a Happy Birthday Meglet. :) I will always be here for you, and I thank God you're a Gorman! Love ya like a sister from another mister!!