However, you have to walk before you crawl.... I have the following Quarters coming up at Tech to get me there:
Fall- 3 classes or "9" hours which is full time at Tech
Winter- 2 classes or "6" hours
Spring- 3 classes or "9" hours (again full time)
Summer- 2 classes or "6" hours
So 10 Classes stand between me and freedom....oh I am ready....but terrified.
It can be done.. with God's strength and support from my family, Travis, and friends it can be done. I am telling myself this to reassure myself that I have the knowledge and strength to do this.
I'll be working full time and being a full time student. I am not complaining, I do this all by choice. I did it to myself when I quit school in 2008. I hated being an English major though, and when I found out the administration made a "mistake" in my graduation date I couldn't handle it. However, I am SO thankful that I quit. God has a way of changing your path in his way. I felt at the time it was best and it was. Had I not quit, I would have never found CCS. CCS is the school that gave me a job without asking questions. I did not want it, to be honest the thought of working sounded terrible to me. I was unhappy with life in general and I didn't know what I wanted to do. I was in a rut. It was Kitty Head that gave me a chance to work with the after school program. Here I fell in love with children. The four year olds in that class are still etched into my head. I was nothing more than an after school girl, but I made it my goal to be a real teacher to them. I read books, played games, colored, and through this I fell in love. I remember the first day I knew I was emotionally connected is the day a little boy got a toy car thrown at his head. It busted a blood vessel and needless to say it was a bloooody mess. I now know due to further education that teachers are supposed to remain calm to ensure the child. I did not know that then and cried just as hard as him as I walked covered in his blood to Mrs. Kitty's office crying. (Actually, I think I cried harder than him). I went home and realized how much I cared.
Then Brittany suggested that I ask to be a sub. I got called ALL the time. I felt like one of the group even then. I loved it, it was then I decided to apply for the full time teacher's assistant job. I could sense a family and unity with the ladies I subbed with and I knew it was where God wanted me to be. I even enrolled in my CDA classes at Delta before I obtained the position. I now have my CDA and have 96 hours under my belt. That's a lot of tears behind that, lol, when I get stressed I cry. I stared at my transcript tonight. I like browsing over the classes that I have taken, though they are kind of random now since I am general studies to graduate quicker... I like to feel that I am well rounded. 32 classes down (35 if you count my Delta CDA classes), 10 to go. This can be done and will be done. :) I have made all A's so far at Tech while working full time. I know boasting is bad and I do not share my grades for "show off reasons" I post it because I do find that it's ok to be proud of accomplishments that have a lot of work behind it. I have worked super hard to get where I am today. I talk to Laura Pritchard, an old English Ed. major friend of mine, and some of our sophomore classes were probably the hardest and most challenging classes I have ever taken!! LOL I do not know why I wanted to share that, but I am so thankful for the "chipper" memories of ULM. I have fond memories of being a freshmen watching Ana be late for class with her green book bag and having my buddy Scott talk about fishing. I also enjoyed telling my dear friend Mrs. Terri Scott and Laura my HORRIBLE date stories. I do like Tech better though for where I am in life now for curriculum purposes, but my young days at ULM are still precious to me and who I became.
I go to the beach Monday. It's the last big shin dig before school time fun begins. I am excited to see what children God puts in our lives.
Enjoyed the trip. It was nice seeing the Robert's family and we had a nice time in New Orleans.
Travis says that when I look back 10 years from now school will be a blur, but I will be better for it. Lord, I pray so.
Pray for my mother, she keeps having cysts come up? They say it's not cancerous, but I still freak out. They are also seeing signs of osteoperosis (sp?) I detest the aging process. You work hard your whole life, and right when you can slow down just a little bit your body starts giving out. It seems cruel to me, but God has a plan for us all. He uses us for His work and aging it just apart of that process.
I am super thankful to God for Travis. I know that true love is hard to find. When I am with him, I am with my best friend. He does not give himself much credit, but he is AMAZING.